Language Arts (KSSR)
The new KSSR syllabus includes "Language Arts" as part of the English Teaching requirements, and so of course this website is a good place for you to come. :)
Language Arts also includes stories, and so we recommend that you visit our other sister site:
Stories for Malaysian Kids.
(And don't forget to visit the Kuala Terengganu Fellows 2012 site.)
Language Arts also includes stories, and so we recommend that you visit our other sister site:
Stories for Malaysian Kids.
(And don't forget to visit the Kuala Terengganu Fellows 2012 site.)
Plays and Drama for Young Learners
The KSSR Language Arts includes Plays and Drama. This is a new course at the IPG (LGA3104), and there are now some materials on the Kuala Terengganu Fellows 2013 website on this page. This includes a story, adapted into a play, and a teaching module including related jazz chants and games to prepare for learning the play.